The Cornerstone code:
An Apostolic Church
We place great importance on the great commission. We believe in preaching the gospel to all nations, engaging in missions through training, giving, sending out of missionaries (short & long-term), church-planting, partnering & networking, and always having upon our hearts the desire to fulfil Jesus’ command to go and make disciples of all nations.
A House of Prayer
We desire to see every believer trained to intercede and be committed to praying individually & corporately; beyond our personal needs to carrying the Lord’s burden for the nations. We seek to be a house of prayer, where fervent and effective prayer undergirds all that we do.
An Army of Volunteers
We are called to be volunteers in the day of His power. God has not called us to be a professional army; He is calling us to be a volunteer army. We must not be bound by the spirit of entitlement but avail ourselves to serve voluntarily and with zeal for the Lord’s house, advancing His kingdom & purposes on earth.
A Pattern for Others
A Prophetic Voice
We desire to be a people who know the times and seasons we are living in and be at the cutting-edge of God’s move. We seek to be a clear voice used by God to proclaim His purposes and plans for His church and the nations.
We seek to be a church aligned to His divine plumb-line by which others will take their measurements from. We want to be an example in excellence so that we can influence and impact every strata of society for His glory.
A Family of God's People
We are living stones connected and fitted together in love and unity. We are connected relationally in a network of life group communities and committed in genuine love and service to one another for the purpose of growing in Christ-likeness.
A Temple of the Holy Spirit
We seek to offer true and pleasing worship to the Lord. We are His dwelling place, a conduit for His holiness and glory to be powerfully manifested.
A Glorious Perfected Bride
We are a people sanctified by Christ through the work of the holy spirit, holy and without blemish, having an onward vision towards spiritual Zion, longing and yearning for the coming of the bridegroom, and making every effort to get ready for the return of our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ.